Do you think any one of Arteta or Vieira are capable of replacing Pep??

Pep Guardiola

Well established sources close to the club are claiming that Arteta and Vieira are in the short list of managers to takeover when Pep Guardiola calls it a day on his Manchester City dynasty. The club is said to be looking at their progress with a keen eye. This is very interesting for me, because i never imagined that they would even be in consideration for the job. Managing Crystal Palace and Arsenal are nothing when comapred to a job where even a draw is looked as a loss. Ideally the fans of City would be wanting a manager who is ready to make the next great innovation in world football.

People would argue that Arteta is doing so well at Arsenal that he is ready for the job. This is such a nonsencical argument from my perspective. My biggest issue being that Arteta did not have to deal with big egos at Arsenal, apart from Aubameyang. City will be full of Superstars and the big question remains, how do you literally deal with 22 big egos if you are not Pep Guardiola. So, Arteta should not even come into the conversation for me.

Vieira on the other hand is an interesting candidate. He has a strong personality and is doing exceptionally well with Crystal Palace, specially for a manager who is having his first season in England. But with Vieira, the obvious problem is his style of football. It is no where near what City expect. So, even considering these 2 young managers for the job is not worth it. The reason being that they are not yet ready to inherit the crown.

Even if Pep recommends one of them for the job, we should be careful, otherwise we might be commiting the mistake Man United commited with Moyes at the end of Sir Alex Ferguson’s career

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