Tagged: Mikel Arteta

Man City vs Arsenal 0

What did we learn from Pep’s battle with Arteta?

The reaction of everybody after the match was quite bizarre to say the least. Most of the people in the footballing world seemed to play down the result. It seemed as if the majority was trying to find excuses for Arsenal’s loss. I have read articles in reputed papers stating this match will not have an impact on the Premier League title race. People were having all sorts of excuses...

Pep Guardiola vs Mikel Arteta 0

How will Pep Tactically outplay Arteta?

All of this feels Surreal when you glance back in time to the days Pep and Arteta used to tactically plan the downfall of opponents together. Time just glides by you so quickly that you don’t even realize it. It still feels like yesterday for me, but the pupil has grown big enough to stand on his own feet now. Arteta seems ready to look at Pep eye to eye...